Back in September I spent 2 weeks in Cuba taking photos. It was a rather unique experience, and definitely different. I’ve post my pictures online for you to see. View Them. You can check out Neeley’s also.
Ok, I finally got my pictures online, you can view them. Some more shots from the Burj Khalifa, plus some from around the building itself.
Here’s a couple quick shot of the Dubai skyline from the Burj Khalifa tower. I’ll put some more up online soon.

I spent a week in Morocco last month and had a chance to wander around Rabat one day, and travel out to Meknes and see the Roman ruins of Volubilis. Rabat was very much like a coastal european city, feel free to browse the handful of pictures.
Asia and Singapore Pictures
Last year I traveled to southeast Asia for work for three months. I was based in Singapore. I took my camera and snapped pictures in the places I spent time at. This was a bit different then my normal travel photography, in that I wasn’t on vacation, but working. This allowed me more time to shoot, but less concentrated time.
Please take a look at the pictures.
Petronas Towers
Going through my photos from Asia I came across this shot I took in Kuala Lumpur, of the giant Petronas Towers. This is straight out of the camera, with only sharpening done for the resized version. This was done handheld, late in the evening, with the fog/smog providing a nice halo around the building. Unfortunately I was only able to stay in KL for about 24 hours, so I wasn’t able to go up in the towers, only take pictures from the ground. Hope you enjoy picture, more soon.